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Photovoltaic cable common models


Photovoltaic cable common models

2024-08-13 14:10:15

The DC side of the photovoltaic system is divided into positive and negative poles; Under normal circumstances, the positive electrode uses the red optical voltage line, and the negative electrode uses the black optical voltage line to prevent the inverter end group from series reverse connection.4mm solar cable and 6mm solar cable are popular.

The pv cable will generate heat and loss during the load process, and should be strictly operated on the design drawings to avoid overheating of the cable caused by pulling the cable. The maximum length of 4mm2 photovoltaic cable is not more than 120 meters, the maximum length of 6mm² photovoltaic cable is not more than 180m, and the maximum length of 10mm² photovoltaic cable is not more than 290m. High-Quality H1Z2Z2-K Pv Cable can ensure efficient transmission of solar energy,.
In order to ensure that the solar photovoltaic cable is not damaged by external forces and good heat dissipation, it is recommended to use a professional bridge or metal cable trough when laying.

It is not recommended to use materials such as PVC pipes with poor flame retardancy, poor heat dissipation and low strength when dense laying.
When the solar pv wire is damaged by external forces, it should not be simply packaged by tape or heat shrink sleeve. Can use a dedicated Connector or replace the cable directly.

During the construction process, it is necessary to check the laying and connection of the cable at any time. Ensure construction quality and safety. Timely discovery and solution of problems is the key to ensure the safe operation of photovoltaic cable systems.

solar dc cable construction safety and precautions need to strictly comply with relevant norms and standards to ensure safety and quality during construction. Only by doing a good job of construction safety and precautions can we ensure the safe operation of the photovoltaic cable system and long-term stable power generation.